Data Governance Round-Up 2020

Happy New Year! 2020 was a year like no other, so I hope you all managed to get some well-earned rest and are ready and refreshed. After the previous year we’ve all had, I hope we’re all ready for what 2021 might bring, and I also hope, now more than ever, that more people are ready to implement Data Governance in their organisations. In case I haven’t mentioned…I think this is an essential component of any organisational structure.

The New Year is associated with lots of stereotypes and cliches: ‘new year, new me’, ‘out with the old, in with the new’, the list goes on and on, as people set their new year's resolutions hoping for bigger and better... I usually find myself avoiding these and focusing more on reviewing and consuming content that’s going to support me in the upcoming months. And I know I’m not alone in harbouring this January habit, proven by the astonishing number of Data Governance initiatives that start-up or re-launch at the beginning of the year. 

Last year I released a ‘Data Governance 2019 Round Up’ (which you can view here); after last year’s one being so well received and useful to so many,this is a round-up of my most popular 2020 blogs. There might be one you missed, or perhaps, one of these might be more relevant than ever. 

  1. How to select the Right Data Governance tool

  2. Data Quality and Data Governance Frameworks

  3. Cyber/Data Security and Data Governance – Siblings from the same Parents

  4. How to successfully implement a data governance tool

  5. Communication Perspective

  6. Where can I find a standard data governance framework

  7. Can there be more than one data owner per data set?

  8. How Often Should you Revisit your Data Governance Maturity Assessments

  9. Why is it so hard to write a data governance policy?

  10. Do I Really Need a Data Governance Policy?

I hope you find this list useful, and if you have any topics you would like me to write about in 2021, please get in touch and let me know! 

I wish you all the best for 2021, let’s hope this year will be a good one! 

If you need a deeper dive into a structured approach to design and implement a Data Governance Framework successfully, don’t forget that I offer both face-to-face and online training! You can find out more about these on my website here:  

If you want to chat about your Data Governance Training requirements, why not book a call by using the button below? 

