Data Governance Consulting
Supporting your Data Governance initiative
Are you struggling with your Data Governance initiative?
It can be very challenging at times can’t it?
Often companies think it would be best to get consultants in to do the job for them. I understand that and in the past have acted as an Interim Data Governance Manager for a number of clients. However, experience has taught me that this is not always the best approach for the long term success of the initiative. You will still face challenges recruiting a permanent Data Governance Manager and once appointed they will have to build up the knowledge and relationships that your consultant(s) has. To be successful the transition period handing over from consultants to the permanent team has to be a reasonable length, further adding to the costs of using consultants in the first place.
It doesn't have to be that way.
Over the years I have developed a number of services to help support organisations at various stages in their Data Governance journey. Each service is designed to give you not only the support you need at the time, but also to help build Data Governance capability and expertise in you and your team, to ensure the long term success of your initiative.
Data Governance Kick Off
A half day workshop with senior stakeholders to get a Data Governance initiative started. Includes an overview of the basic Data Governance concepts, plus identifying and agreeing an action plan/next steps to get a Data Governance initiative started.
Data Governance Launch Pad
The Data Governance Launch Pad provides structured support, over six months, to give you the skills and knowledge you need to design and start implementing a Data Governance Framework that is right for your organisation, by providing a combination of training, coaching and consulting.
Data Governance Review / Data Governance Maturity Assessment
A short focussed fixed price review of your existing Data Governance Framework complete with a report on findings, including recommendations to improve, mature and embed your Framework. This review can include a formal Data Governance Maturity Assessment if required.