Helping you to be successful with your Data Governance initiative

I am Nicola Askham and I’m known as The Data Governance Coach.

I help organisations understand and manage their data better.

For almost two decades I’ve helped corporates to reduce costs and inefficiencies and remain relevant.

As well as providing coaching and consulting, I run my popular training courses because I feel it is important to give people the skills to make sure that data is used to solve problems and make better informed decisions.

Practical data governance training, coaching and consulting

  1. Advance your data governance skills and capabilities

  2. Empower your team to accelerate data governance adoption

  3. Take your organisation to the next level by giving them the data to win the game

Our Services

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What Is a Fiduciary?

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Weekly Dispatches

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Our Practice

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We take the stress out of financial planning. Proin gravida ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam ornare, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo.

— Blandit Lectus