The Ornithology Of Data Governance

The Ornithology Of Data Governance

 After an incredible (and frankly quite unbelievable) accident at home recently, I have found myself struggling to find firstly the time to write a blog and then more recently the inspiration. That is until a conversation with my sister piqued my interest. Being a civil engineer, when we discuss her work we rarely (unfortunately for me) stray into the realms of data governance, but she was telling me about an excellent blog published internally within her company, which has got them all talking about whether they are “blue tits” or “robins”.

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A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

The adage a picture is worth a thousand words is popularly attributed to Confucius, but according to Wikipedia was born much more recently: "It is believed that the modern use of the phrase stems from an article by Fred R. Barnard in an advertising trade journal, in 1921, promoting the use of images in advertisements". Whatever the source, one thing that is certain is that when the saying was first used, no one was thinking about Data Governance! But they easily could have been...

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Friends, Relations And Explanations

Friends, Relations And Explanations

So I've been blogging for four months now and I've had great feedback, but I had one of those light bulb moments during a conversation with my best friend recently.  It turns out that my friends and family still don't know what it is I do!

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Welcome To My Site

“Data Governance is boring”. I’ve heard this said on many occasions and even when not said out loud, there is a certain glazed look which shows that the person who asked what I do, instantly wished they hadn’t!  For me, Data Governance is not at all boring indeed it is a topic about which I am both passionate and fairly vocal. 

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